Over the years, the US has debated whether to lower the drinking limit in the US from 21 to 18, or leave it as it is. In 1980, the drinking-age was raised to 21. This was done to lower the number deaths and decrease minor drinking. Minors still drink. Reagan’s presidency was also a major factor. He made it a condition that all states raise the age of drinking. If they did not, they could lose highway funding. When you turn 18, you’re an adult in the US. You can vote, get married and adopt children. But they’re not allowed to have a glass Champagne at the New Years Party. The only time they are allowed to drink alcohol is at a New Years Party. The topic has a lot of controversy. It has been shown that lowering the age of drinking to 19 would lessen the amount of alcohol mishandled by people under 21. The U.S. is home to one of the most strict laws in the world regarding underage drinking. Yet, the U.S. has the highest drinking problems amongst its youth. In addition, there appears to exist a relationship between the two. It is believed that this could eliminate or reduce unsafe drinking. Between the ages of 18 and 20, drinking is most dangerous in the United States. After the age 18, adults gain all their adult legal rights, with the exception of the right of drinking. This age group should be allowed to drink, but only under supervision. This could eliminate or reduce the drinking behaviors which can lead bad decisions.

In countries where the drinking age is lower, there are fewer drunken driving accidents. In other countries, we can see why it is important to lower the legal drinking age. Many countries have already lowered the drinking age to 18. These countries have had a smaller number of drunken driving incidents than the United States. The drinking age could be lowered to eliminate the thrill of drinking. The 18 -20 age bracket is notorious for binge drinking because of the thrill it brings to breaking the laws. The adrenaline and thrill can be eliminated by lowering drinking age. Normal alcohol consumption will then increase in this age bracket. In the world, the U.S. has a minimum drinking legal age that is higher than any other country. No other country is higher. Raising the drinking to 21 years was a radical cultural experiment. Except in Islamic nations, young people are more tolerant of alcohol consumption. As a result, there are fewer alcohol problems among the youth in these countries. The U.S. is the Western country with the most strict laws against youth drinking. The U.S. has the strictest laws on underage drinking in the world.

The majority of adults between 18 and 20 years old drink alcohol. In fact, raising the age to drink has made it more acceptable for people of all ages. In my research, I found that drinking excessively is a common way to rebel against a law they believe is unjust or immoral. It is important that teens do not consume alcohol as their central nervous system and neural pathways have just begun to develop. Also, alcohol can be harmful for several functions. Alcohol consumption in teens can lead to changes, emotional, cognitive, and social issues, and physical problems. The use of alcohol by teens can cause a variety of problems.

* The “claiming attitude” can cause teens to break the rules and not only drink too much alcohol but also go beyond their limits.

* Searching for independence or separation from their parents can lead teens to drink as a way to prove that they are adults.

“* The evolution in sexuality and the quest for partners could also encourage the use alcohol to help the teen overcome his shyness when he first tried sexual approximation.

Teens tend to drink more alcohol than adults. This is because teens have less body mass and less tolerance to alcohol. Also, they are not as familiar with its effects.

The State University of New York published a report in which they stated: “Today scientific evidence confirms a simple truth.” Early drinking can reduce the risk of juvenile alcoholism. In France, Spain, Argentina and other countries, alcohol abuse is rare among young people. Drinking in moderation becomes a family tradition. These societies are characterized by a low incidence of alcohol abuse among youth. There is no minimum drinking requirement in Portugal or New Zealand. In several countries, 16-year-olds can drink in restaurants with their parents or an adult. Australia and South Africa require a minimum age of 18 years. Researchers have pointed to the fact that in America, minimum drinking ages are a post Prohibition phenomenon. Prior to the repealing the Eighteenth Amendment(Prohibition), most states only prohibited minors for drinking.

Adolescents were regulated by informal controls. Family, peers, the community, and even self-restraint were all used to exert control. Social and culture constraints were the only factors that have worked to curb drinking in recent centuries. Although the nuclear family has broken down, most young Americans are good citizens. This basic respect is denied by the twisted logic behind laws that limit drinking to young people. Alcohol consumption with parents may teach children responsible drinking. The “thrill”, “excitement”, or “fun” of drinking can be reduced. Dr. Kristie long Fole is a senior research scientist at Wake Forest University’s School of Medicine. She describes drinking alcohol with parents as an “protective” behaviour.

Dr. Foley concluded that we should be expecting this result. Some cultures and societies have high drinking rates but low alcohol-related problems. There are common success factors. Parents can be a great source of information for young people about drinking in moderation. The groups that are most successful teach their young members how to drink, and also how not drink. They do not demonize alcohol or allow anyone to abuse it. To achieve this we must give up our fantasy world and stop relying on unrealistic policies. Joshua Levine wrote that we should “get real about teenage alcoholism”.

“Conclusion: By lowering the minimum drinking age to 18, it would allow those aged 18-20 to drink alcohol under supervision in a regulated setting. This would also decrease the risk of drinking alcohol without supervision. The United States consider 18 as the age for adulthood, so adults should be allowed to make decisions about their alcohol consumption. No matter the legal minimum drinking age, we can conclude that new drinkers are more likely to be involved in traffic accidents or fatalities. Many countries have a lower number of drunk driving fatalities and traffic accidents. Eighteen. The minimum drinking age has no correlation with the reduction in drunk driving deaths as a percent of all traffic fatalities in America. Finally, lowering the drinking age to 18 would make it less exciting to break the law in order to drink. Bottoms-up!


  • luisschneider

    Luis Schneider is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Hamburg, Germany. He runs a successful educational blog and is passionate about helping others learn. Luis has a degree in education and has been teaching for several years. He is a highly-skilled educator and has a lot to share with others.

Underage Drinking Laws In The Us


Luis Schneider is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Hamburg, Germany. He runs a successful educational blog and is passionate about helping others learn. Luis has a degree in education and has been teaching for several years. He is a highly-skilled educator and has a lot to share with others.

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