The scientific revolution and the French Revolution.

Since the Stone Age, there have been many revolutions. Since then, people have evolved in order to survive. They have also tried to improve themselves. The Scientific Revolution as well as The French Revolution are the two I will discuss. Both had a huge impact on the lives of people. What is a Scientific Revolution? The 18th century scientific revolution was the result of intellectuals who were willing to test all aspects of life with science. This revolution had as its motto

“Dare To Know” is presented by German Philosopher “Immauel Kant”.

The point was to have the courage to think for yourself rather than blindly accept what someone tells you. Francis Bacon first introduced the word “Empiricism,” which encouraged people observe and experiment. Rene Descartes said that one should doubt everything until it is proven to be true by reason. These ideas were bolstered by “Nicolaus Copernicus”, who denied that the universe was centered on earth. He studied planetary moments over a period of 25 years and proved that all stars, planets and the earth revolved around sun. It was this approach that led to the scientific method of solving all problems.

What is the French Revolution? French Revolution began in 18th-century France due to political, social, and economic problems. John Locke was the catalyst for this moment. John Locke argued that all people had the same rights. The government should not remove these rights but protect them. All humans should be treated the same. The concept is inferiority and superiority must be lessened

How are the French and scientific revolutions related?

The French Revolution changed monarchy. It was a huge step for that time. This encouraged the French to have the courage and to stop accepting slavery. They took matters into their own hands, denying everything that stood in their way. It was similar events that sparked the scientific Revolution, giving enlightenment thinkers like John Locke & Montesquieu a newfound courage. John Locke’s and Montesquieu’s efforts had a huge impact on Europe. They began to question the authorities, denying anything that seemed to be wrong and refusing to blindly accept everything.

Religion and Church ranked second. The Enlightenment philosophers began fighting the teachings that the Catholic Church taught, in which earthly existence was seen as a stepping stone to eternal salvation. This concept has been eliminated. They questioned priestly teachings, divine revelations and Church tradition. It was acknowledged that God is the creator of the universe, but He was not allowed to intervene in human history.

These revolutions led to the creation of new social and political values. Diderot claimed that “man only has one duty to be happy.” Enlightenment philosophers wanted to arrive at a logical and scientific analysis, not based off of previous beliefs, laws or customs. This enlightenment would consume all of these practices.

Before these revolutionary movements, all of the educated people were against anything that hindered man’s ability to think and act. These two revolutions, by bringing an end to the old ways of thinking and the backward regulations and advocating new ideas, formed the ideologies of a society who felt strong enough to fight for advancement. Supporters for the new direction triggered an idea that they would overthrow powerful figures in order to protect science and art. These Revolutions had a series phases. Each of them was almost a revolution by itself.


  • luisschneider

    Luis Schneider is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Hamburg, Germany. He runs a successful educational blog and is passionate about helping others learn. Luis has a degree in education and has been teaching for several years. He is a highly-skilled educator and has a lot to share with others.

The Link Between Scientific Revolution And The French Revolution


Luis Schneider is a 29-year-old blogger and teacher from Hamburg, Germany. He runs a successful educational blog and is passionate about helping others learn. Luis has a degree in education and has been teaching for several years. He is a highly-skilled educator and has a lot to share with others.

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